How To Buy From A UK Website That Does Not Ship Internationally


On numerous occasions, you may have wanted to buy something from some websites in the United Kingdom, either because they have a much lower price, or because it is a whim that is not available in your country but when you read the shipping conditions you discover that the site does not ship outside the United Kingdom.

Therefore, it is only possible to make the purchase if you report the delivery of the product to a valid address that is within the delivery territory. It is at this point that the purchase is discouraged unless you have a friend living in the United Kingdom to whom you can send the product so that he or she can send it to you staying in the other country. But this is an unlikely alternative.

But don't give up, because there is a solution. It is in this case where you can make use of the parcel forwarding services offered by some companies, which can be contracted through their websites.

How forwarding services work

There are several international shipping services that can help to overcome the restrictions that some online shops in the United Kingdom place, as they do not ship their products to foreign countries.

In this case the international shipping service companies offer their company address, which is located within the United Kingdom, as the shipping address. In this way, the product will be sent from the shop to the re-shipping company that will finally send the product to another specified country.

This type of company usually charges some kind of taxes or fees for their services but they are the only way to ensure that the package passes through customs and therefore arrives at the user's home in another country.

Among the international shipping service companies, we can find very useful for those who are looking to buy from the UK's online stores.

Forwardvia provides your postal address in the United Kingdom to be able to use it in this type of online shop. Afterwards, they take care of sending the purchase to the user's real address in the other country. That forwarded delivery reaches the actual customer within the given delivery that depends upon the courier service that has been assigned or selected during the booking forwarding delivery service.

It offers different plans according to the needs of users, who can choose to pay a monthly fee for cheaper shipping or pay each time a purchase is made. The established rates include shipping costs but do not include the costs that each country may require at customs depending on the value of the product.

In addition, useful for those who are looking to buy from the UK's online stores.

Forwardvia offers free consolidation services with which the company will unite several packages into one and the repackaging that will be paid for separately but which will be worthwhile as the company organises the contents of the package so that it takes up less space and therefore the cost of the shipment is lower.

That's all about how package forwarding services like Forwardvia are useful, and bringing great changes to online shopping around the world.

Why Has Your Air Conditioning System Professionally Installed?


Air conditioning is a heating and cooling device that can considerably improve the comfort of your house or flat. Popular and increasingly environmentally friendly, air conditioning is taking its place in our homes and helping us through the hot months. This sophisticated appliance uses a refrigerant and requires special know-how. So, come and find out why it's best to have your air conditioning system commissioned by a qualified professional!

What are the advantages of using a professional to install an air conditioning system?

Calling a professional for a new aircon installation Singapore has many human, economic and above all practical advantages! Indeed, by taking the time to contact a craftsman for your work, you are working with a professional from your region. This is an often overlooked, yet human advantage. But this is not the main advantage...

In reality, the installation of an air conditioning system is more complex than it seems and includes the handling of a refrigerant, which is sometimes dangerous. The professional is trained in this installation and offers you the guarantee of a successful installation and above all one that is adapted to your needs. He will install the air conditioning in accordance with the standards in force and will ensure that the appliance is safe and that it will last.

Is this compulsory? What does the law say?

In the law, we find legislation currently in force, that of the environmental code. This stipulates that the handling and commissioning of an air-conditioning unit must be carried out by a professional with specific accreditation. Indeed, he must master the handling of refrigerants to guarantee an optimal installation. When you buy your air conditioning system, manufacturers may require you to present a commissioning invoice. This allows them to ensure that the warranty is fully respected and thus to absolve themselves of any responsibility in the event of problems.

The environmental code is legislation aimed at ensuring the comfort and safety of installations while avoiding the purchase of over-polluting installations. So if you do not have your air conditioning installed by a professional, you will not be able to benefit from the guarantee in the event of equipment failure, not to mention that you have no guarantee as to the safety of the home and its occupants.

What does a technician do for commissioning?

During commissioning by a technician, the professional does not just install and start your air conditioning. In fact, he starts by checking your entire air conditioning system. Whether you are installing a reversible air conditioning system or not, there are checks to be made. The refrigeration technician will then ensure that your appliance complies with the standards in force. In other words, he will ensure the safety and viability of your system, and to do this he will inspect the entire equipment. He will check the wiring, the refrigeration pipes, the delivery space, the height and the positioning of the units.

Then, once the checks are complete, he connects the previously installed refrigerant pipes and pressurises the refrigerant circuit with nitrogen. Then he removes the air and moisture from your pipes using the pipe vacuuming technique. He tops up the gas and adjusts your appliance. Finally, he starts your air conditioning system and explains how it works.

As you can see, air conditioning has become a common system and is synonymous with year-round comfort. By choosing to call on a professional for its installation, you decide to optimise your investment. Indeed, the installation by a professional guarantees optimal comfort and especially the excellent safety of the device.

What you need to remember:

The installation and commissioning of an air conditioning system must be carried out by a specialised technician so that your equipment is guaranteed in the event of a breakdown.

The technician's role is to ensure that the appliance is working properly and that the occupants of the home are safe with the air conditioning.

During commissioning, a full service is carried out, as well as a check of the technical components to ensure that everything is in place.

In addition to his technical knowledge, the installer will be able to teach you how to use your air conditioning system properly.

Solutions To Major Air Conditioner Breakdowns


Once we acquire air conditioning equipment in our home, it is important that we carry out good maintenance of this, if we want to avoid possible breakdowns in air conditioners.

And it is sure that on more than one occasion you have asked yourself the following questions, Why doesn't my air conditioner turn on? How can I check my air conditioner? Can I solve the problem myself or do I contact an expert? etc.

If you want to solve the most common faults in air conditioners to have your device ready this summer, you can not miss this post.

How Can We Check Our Air Conditioner?

If our air conditioner no longer works as before and we believe that it may be suffering some kind of breakdown, it is essential to take a series of measures before making a review of our equipment.

The main precautionary measures when detecting possible breakdowns of air conditioners are:

Unplug the air conditioner and cut off the electric current, to prevent possible accidents.

Avoid wetting both the indoor and outdoor air conditioning units when cleaning the unit, to avoid breakage.

Main Air Conditioner Breakdowns And Their Solutions

The problems that we can detect in an air conditioner can be diverse and come from various factors.

Below, we will review the main faults that can affect our air conditioners with their possible solutions:

I Turn On The Air Conditioner And Does Not Work

The failure in the ignition of our air conditioning equipment is one of the most common faults in air conditioners.

This type of problem in our air conditioner can be solved, either by looking if the equipment is connected to the electric current or checking if the circuit breaker is turned up correctly.

The Air Works, But The Cold Air Does Not Come Out.

The main solution will be to replace or clean the air conditioning filters, it is necessary to keep them clean frequently, at least once a year.

If the problem persists, we must check that the control function is in cool/cool mode.

When I Turn On The Air Conditioner, It Works But Smells Bad.

The solution to this type of failure is to clean the filters and the coil of the indoor unit, the latter should be done by a specialized technician.

Another reason may come from the air conditioning drain, due to the lack of a siphon in the system, to solve it will suffice to install the siphon correctly.

The Air Works, Air Comes Out But It Does Not Come Out Too Cold

In this case, the solution is to check if the temperature of the control is correct.

If the first solution is not valid in our case, the failure may be due to a problem in the state of the filters or a leak caused by a breakage of the ventilation motor.

In the latter case, it is best to contact a specialized technician.

My Air Conditioner Emits Excessive Noise

This is another of the most common faults in air conditioners, mainly in split type equipment.

This may be due, on the one hand, to the filters, and on the other hand, to the lack of oil or gas in the compressor or inside the refrigerant line.

If it is one of the last two cases, it would be best to opt for a new air conditioner.

Air Conditioner Discharges Too Much Or Too Little Water

All air conditioners will spurt water when they are working properly.

Therefore, there is no need to worry that expel much or little water, because the amount of this is due to the humidity of the room.

However, we must pay special attention when it does not expel any water, as it may mean that there is no humidity in the room, or that there is an obstruction that prevents the water from coming out.


In summary, we recommend having a company specialized in the maintenance and repair of air conditioners. If you're looking for an Air Conditioning Sunshine Coast service company, then you can visit, they are among the most reliable AC maintenance and repair service providers.

In this way, you will get the best results and you will avoid this type of breakdowns in your air conditioner.

Finally, we hope that this article has been of great help to you to solve the typical breakdowns of air conditioners.

I vantaggi della certificazione ISO 37001


Nel 2016, ISO (International Organization for Standardization) ha rilasciato la versione definitiva della norma ISO 37001. Si tratta di uno standard internazionale per i sistemi di prevenzione della corruzione applicabile sia nel settore privato sia in quello pubblico. E' valido tanto per le organizzazioni prive di un programma anticorruzione quanto per le imprese che già dispongono di validi Modelli 231, di programmi internazionali conformi al FCPA statunitense o di procedure previste dall'UK Bribery Act.

In questo focus,, organizzazione che si occupa di erogare servizi di consulenza e certificazione in ambito anti corruzione, descriverà tutti i vantaggi della certificazione ISO 37001 che costituisce una guida precisa per definire ed implementare da zero un valido sistema di prevenzione anticorruzione.

Questo standard promuove una cultura di integrità, trasparenza e conformità alla legge e consente all'azienda di implementare un sistema di controlli al proprio interno.

Caratteristiche della norma ISO 37001 anticorruzione

La norma ISO 37001 prevede l'applicazione dei principi sistemici del miglioramento continuo, PDCA, e delle best practice internazionali relative all’anticorruzione.

Fornisce uno strumento organizzativo flessibile a qualsiasi tipo di organizzazione per prevenire il rischio di corruzione. E' pensata per essere integrata nei sistemi di gestione di qualsiasi azienda: può essere applicata come sistema unico o accorpata in un sistema più ampio ed articolato. Può integrare il Modello di Organizzazione e Gestione adottato ai sensi del D. Lgs. 231/2001.

Utilizza la struttura tipica di sistemi di gestione come ISO 9001 (qualità), ISO 14001 (ambiente), ISO 45001 (salute e sicurezza sul lavoro), ISO 22000 (sicurezza alimentare).

Il sistema di gestione anticorruzione ISO 37001 condivide i principi di HLS (High Level Structure, Struttura di Alto Livello) e del Risk-Based Thinking (pensiero basato sul rischio).

Offre la possibilità di individuare il contesto, le parti interessate, i requisiti applicabili, la valutazione dei rischi, le azioni da attuare per mitigare questi rischi.

ISO 37001: requisiti

E' necessaria una preparazione alla certificazione ISO 37001 in base ai seguenti requisiti dello standard:

  • impegno e responsabilità della Direzione;
  • analisi del contesto aziendale interno ed esterno dei requisiti, dei fattori di rischio e delle normative applicabili;
  • valutazione e analisi del rischio, definizione dei livelli di rischio e del loro impatto;
  • implementazione delle politiche anticorruzione con relativo programma attuativo;
  • misura, controllo e verifica dell'efficacia delle misure intraprese;
  • monitoraggio, reporting, analisi e riesame;
  • azioni correttive e di miglioramento costante.


I vantaggi della certificazione ISO 37001 per le aziende

Un'organizzazione certificata che applica ed implementa questo sistema di gestione anticorruzione può trarne diversi vantaggi.


Ecco quali sono i vantaggi della certificazione ISO 37001:

  • migliorare la cultura anticorruzione attraverso uno standard di etica e legalità, conforme alla best practice internazionale, di riconosciuto valore in Italia e nel mondo;
  • utilizzare uno strumento valido per prevenire la piaga della corruzione che causa gravi danni all'economia di un Paese;
  • individuare preventivamente eventuali rischi nelle varie fasi aziendali in modo da strutturare azioni mirate a prevenire e mitigare questi pericoli che impattano sull'azienda e sulle parti interessate;
  • monitorare costantemente le catene di fornitura allo scopo di intervenire prima che un'attività illecita possa compromettere l'azienda;
  • essere tutelati in caso di illeciti o azioni legali nei confronti dell'azienda. L'organizzazione certificata ISO 37001 potrà dimostrare l'impegno e le misure adottate per prevenire e monitorare il rischio di corruzione. La corretta applicazione dello standard potrà essere considerata un'attenuante: la certificazione rilasciata da un ente autorevole e indipendente costituirà un'evidenza concreta della mancanza di gravi carenze organizzative dell'azienda aumentando le possibilità di ottenere l'esenzione da responsabilità;
  • migliorare la visibilità e la reputazione del brand;
  • beneficiare di un accesso privilegiato a certe catene di fornitura;
  • ottenere un maggior punteggio nella partecipazione di bandi e appalti pubblici;
  • migliorare le relazioni con clienti, investitori, dipendenti e tutti gli stakeholder;
  • distinguersi dalla concorrenza ed accrescere la competitività aumentando la possibilità di aggiudicarsi lavori e commesse;
  • migliorare costantemente a livello di governance grazie alla metodologia tipica del Plan-Do-Check-Act.

Do You Have An Online Business? Consider Using A Virtual Receptionist


When working from home, a virtual office, or a coffee shop, who is answering your calls or keeping your appointments? Who gives the first impression of your business? If you and your team are frequently out of the office, you may not need a traditional full-time receptionist. In fact, you don't even need a physical office.

Just as your role can afford more freedom these days, the role of the receptionist has also evolved to suit the virtual landscape. Virtual receptionist services, answering and routing calls to off-site staff, perform many of the same tasks as an in-house receptionist, without the cost of salaries and benefits. Best of all, whether you are in the office or not, they will take care of your clients' calls and make your business look good. This is services, an online virtual receptionist and call answering service.

Work from anywhere without sacrificing your image

If you're working in a nightclub or a quiet library, you may not be able to take calls. If you are working from home, however, you probably want to receive calls on your landline or mobile phone.

You can let your virtual receptionist service know instantly when (and where) you are available to receive calls and when messages should be sent to you. The service can even have a mobile application for call handling. When you are not available, messages will be sent to you as a text message immediately so that no matter where you are, you will always be in touch with your calls.

Get more done

Virtual Receptionists can help you prioritize your time. Limit your interruptions by blocking time and let your service know when you'd like some peace and quiet. Of course, these instructions are customizable (maybe you'd like to be interrupted if a potential customer is on the line, but maybe you don't have to talk to your dry cleaner right away). You can concentrate while having the peace of mind that your calls are being treated with warmth and friendliness.

Provide better service to your customers

By using a virtual receptionist service, you are able to work where and when you are inspired (while maintaining your sanity), and callers can speak to a live, professional receptionist when they call your office. And these days, exceptional customer service is what makes companies stand out.

Get more out of your investment

An SME or a self-employed person does not have the same spending capacity or space as a large company, so the hiring of a physical secretary could only occur in the event of considerable business and office growth. On the other hand, this growth must be accompanied by income security with which to meet its monthly or annual pecuniary obligations and thus avoid the catastrophic restoration of its factors.

However, the incorporation of technology in the workplace has been developing and expanding to offer intelligent solutions to this type of business. Virtual secretaries are one of the clearest and best examples of this techno-labor evolution. The incorporation of their skills into the workforce is, of course, a cost for the company. But... is this investment profitable?

Being a virtual service, you can set a schedule that is appropriate to your needs, without paying zero performance hours. The third, that they do not require structural changes in the company, since they do not work from the office but from the location where they are.

How To Use Digital Marketing To Improve Your Business?


For many years traditional marketing (radio, television, billboards, among others) has been used to advertise the products and services of different companies around the world.

However, today there is a modern and improved version known as digital marketing.

The main difference is that digital marketing can be done in a segmented way and therefore you can target only the market sector you are interested in.

In this way, you will be able to get closer to your potential customers and you will be able to meet their expectations of consuming goods and services more effectively.

Moreover, many of these tools are online, and considering that many people spend many hours online, this means that it will be easier to create a successful marketing strategy. However, it is good to hire a digital marketing outsourcing company to do this work for you. That will help you focus on your business, production, and manage other resources.

Digital marketing strategy.

The digital marketing strategy consists of a series of tools that, used correctly, can be very effective in attracting customers, getting useful information, getting subscribers for email campaigns, and many other data that will help us improve our results.

With this digital marketing strategy, not only will we get all this valuable information, but we will also be able to interact face-to-face with our customers, knowing first-hand how satisfied they are with our product or service.

This will allow your business to grow and last. Of course, as long as you align your strategy with your business goals.

The most important tools of digital marketing

Before knowing how to exploit it, it is necessary to know which tools we have at our disposal. Next, we will describe each of them.

Marketing via email

This was one of the first tools to be used in digital marketing.

As you are no doubt aware, email allows us to have a more direct relationship with customers and potential customers, which opens up a huge window of opportunity both to learn more about them and to send them relevant offers and articles.

Of course, not everything is that easy. One of the biggest problems with email marketing is that if you don't do it right, you can get stuck in the spam folder.

The good news is that there are many techniques to prevent this from happening and you can take advantage of this tool.

In summary, email marketing allows us to reach out to potential customers and provide them with valuable content to educate and nurture them, which will not only close sales but also strengthen our relationship with them.

Content marketing and web positioning

By "Content Marketing" we mean the creation of quality content on an ongoing basis to add value to a target group.

What we need is for them to get to know our website, find what they are looking for, and receive increasingly valuable content. This will make them become customers and come back again and again. Also, if we can really meet your needs, we will make sure they recommend us.

Content marketing, as the name suggests, is based on creating high-quality content that makes our potential customers come to us because they want to, not because we insist.

It achieves this largely through a series of techniques called SEO (Search Engine Optimisation), which help us to get on the first page of search engines.

As you can imagine, being on the first page of an online search engine is very important, as it is the only way to ensure that you are among the customer's first options.

In addition to SEO, we also have SEM (Search Engine Marketing), which is a method that allows us to speed up the ranking process a bit through paid ads.

All this helps Content Marketing achieve its mission. Keep in mind that this tool takes time to deliver results, but it is well worth it!

Marketing in social networks or social media

By Social Media or Social Media Marketing, we refer to marketing done on any of the social platforms we have access to today.

Of these platforms, which are commonly referred to as social networks, the best known and most widely used is Facebook, so if you want to get the most out of this tool, Facebook marketing is the place to start.

Having said that, there are also many other social networks such as: Youtube, Instagram, Twitter, and Linkedin which, depending on the product or service you want to offer, can be great options for you.

Ideally, you should try them all and see which one gives you the best results. After all, digital marketing relies heavily on experimentation, studying the results and choosing the most effective practices.

In short, it is a very useful tool to generate content, find new customers, advertise and bring more visitors to your website.


As you can imagine, e-commerce is a tool that allows your visitors to make purchases directly on the page.

This type of commerce has been popularized by platforms such as eBay and Amazon and has expanded over the years to such an extent that most companies with an Internet presence have adopted it in one way or another.

There are more and more mechanisms to facilitate this, such as credit and debit cards and other online payment forms like PayPal.

Offering the customer the opportunity to make the purchase in the moment is invaluable and will greatly facilitate your work and will surely result in a significant increase in profits.

What Are The Risks Of Being A Lifeguard


During the summer, unemployment falls due to temporary jobs, including lifeguards. The beaches require their services and the public and private swimming pools of the urbanizations fill up with bathers, children, and parents, in some cases imprudent ones.

To get the job of lifeguard you must obtain the lifeguard qualification from an appropriate associate in your province. To get started, you can just open Google, and look for Lifeguard courses near me. This should display the nearest institutions offering lifeguard courses around you.

However, you can also obtain this qualification from the Red Cross and by taking a higher level training course in Physical and Sports Activities Management.

In addition to learning how to react in the event of a rescue at sea, beach or swimming pool, you must be an expert in first aid, as many lives depend on you.

But you must know the occupational risks involved in being a lifeguard and what preventive measures you must strictly comply with.

Risks for lifeguards

When working in swimming pools, lifeguards are exposed to risks such as falls at the same level when walking in wet areas adjacent to the pool; or falls at different levels.

They are also exposed to overexertion. In addition, they are constantly exposed to extreme environmental conditions of heat, cold, humidity, and solar radiation, as well as to biological agents such as protozoa, fungi, bacteria and viruses that grow in the swimming pool environment. They are also exposed to chemical agents such as disinfectants, pesticides, and chlorine, which are added to swimming pools.

In the case of beach lifeguards, the risks increase. In addition to the previous risks such as falls from different levels when climbing up and down the watchtower, or being exposed to extreme temperatures. We must bear in mind that there are unlimited users on the beach, unlike swimming pools, which have a controlled capacity.

In addition, the mass of water is unpredictable, just think of doing a rescue in a swimming pool and in the open sea, subject to sea currents and, in addition, to the physical fatigue involved in reaching the bather in distress. Even to mention the aquatic species that exist in the sea, from jellyfish to sightings of small sharks, risks that do not exist in swimming pools.

Psychosocial aspects

In all cases, the lifeguard assumes a great responsibility: to ensure the safety of bathers. This involves a risk of psychosocial origin. The lifeguard remains alert throughout the 8 hours of his or her working day, causing increased stress. Both in swimming pools and on beaches, they must pay attention to children, whose behavior is unpredictable.

Likewise, they must keep an eye on those brave enough to venture out to sea with their mats or those elderly people who, due to overconfidence, can get caught in currents or suffer a ramp or panic situation when they find themselves far from the shore.

All this stress is increased when the lack of consideration of the swimmers is present. Failure to respect red and yellow flags, as well as safety warnings from lifeguards.

These situations can lead to confrontations between swimmers and lifeguards, who are only trying to do their job properly. The pressure, the stress of being alert to the movements of bathers, the extreme temperatures, and the risks mentioned above make the work of lifeguards an essential profession for safeguarding lives on the beach or by the pool and contribute to a trouble-free holiday.